Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Are you ready? Have you organized your Max Opportunity Meeting? Get ready now because onThursday, April 21, 2016, Max Meeting Blitz Week begins and any Associate who hosts a meeting will win a free Max product of their choice! The host who enrolls the most new Associates and Preferred Customers will win the Grand Prize – a Personal Pack.
Better Product, Better Health, Better Life
Why Max is right for you!

The Next MMB Calls are on April 21, 2016

English: 5:00, 7:00, and 9:00 pm MST

English calls are featuring Max COO, Dave Bagley and Crown Diamond, Tammy Gingras

Spanish: 4:00, 6:00, and 8:00 p.m. MST

Spanish calls are featuring Max COO, Dave Bagley and Max Platinum Associate, Agneris Mejias
The Max Meeting Blitz is a great opportunity to partner with successful Executive and Associate Teams.  The calls are powerful and influential. Blitz speakers leave a lasting impression that is positive and punctuates the key messages from our own Opportunity Presentations.
- Cherie MacLeod

Join by calling 712-432-9606 pin 247411#

Max Associate Beth Stone recently noted that for her, “The Max Meeting Blitz (MMB) provides a reason for holding meetings each month.  With that commitment comes a new focus on filling seats for the meeting.”
One of the unavoidable principles of growing your Max business is driving individual activity toward ever larger meetings and events.  The more people you and your team speak with will translate to more new Customers and Associates.
There will always be a numbers correlation between activity, growth, and events.
The first event is meeting a prospect for the first time. Every contact from that point on best serves your team’s growth by creating attendance at meetings. The MMB is a monthly event that is proving to be an effective way to increase productivity.  Every prospect who has been introduced to Max, experienced a product, and become a new Preferred Customer or New Associate should use the MMB as the culmination of each month’s weekly meetings.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the German philosopher, poet, and civil servant, said, Fresh activity is the only means of overcoming adversity.
The challenges of growing your Max business can best be met and then overcome by raising your activity levels. Activity cures all ills because activity creates sales volume and Associate enrollment. The more active you are, the more practice you get, the more familiar you are with the process, and you acquire the knowledge and ability to, with newer members of your team, share what you know, creating growth and success for everyone involved.
Jim Rohn, considered by many to be the premier speaker of his time, said, “The secret of success in network marketing is not for one person to do a great thing but rather getting many people to do the same simple thing.” At Max, we call this process duplication. Duplication creates consistency. From one Associate to another, duplication begets repetition, repetition becomes an effective training approach and tool that delivers a consistent message. The message reflects that communication between Associates exists, is important, and is, by repetition, effective, resulting in unity and uniformity throughout organizations.
For Max Associates, the key to team building, business growth, and success exists in remaining active, delivering simple and powerful presentations, duplicating knowledge, filling meetings with people to whom they have been speaking, then presenting and sharing their inspirational My Max Why.
Prepare and host an MMB meeting and discover the benefits, the fun, and the new possibilities for growing your Max business.
MMB is about making a difference!”
- Scott Henderson
Build real relationships and you build your successful business. You have to go for it or you’ll never experience how critical and central home meetings are to your network marketing success and business growth.
Max is here to help cheer you on. We strive to provide you the tools and information you need. Invest in yourself and take the time to organize your own MMB meeting. Regularly schedule Max Home Meetings and become the best entrepreneur you can be.
Gather your materials, call your friends, families, and your acquaintances, plan your MMB meeting, listen to the special MMB call, then share your story, enroll your prospects, and watch your business Ignite!
One major skill required for success is how to invite prospects to meetings. Cynthia and I have had great success with the MMB. This I know: There is money in hotel, corporate, and in-home meetings. Holding meetings has never changed in our industry and it never will. Thank you Max for your MMB support.  Rock your Max Business with tradition.
Steve Rose

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